over come fear affirmation

Overcome Fear with This 20 Courageous Affirmation

Overcome Fear with This 20 Courageous Affirmation

  1. I release all fear and welcome peace.
  2. Fear is a feeling, not a fact, and I choose to let it go.
  3. I face my fears with courage and determination.
  4. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  5. I trust myself to handle whatever comes my way.
  6. I transform fear into excitement for new opportunities.
  7. I am stronger than any fear that may arise.
  8. I choose love over fear in every situation.
  9. Fear has no power over me; I am in control.
  10. I trust that everything will work out for my highest good.
  11. I take bold steps toward my dreams without fear.
  12. I am free from the limitations fear tries to impose on me.
  13. I am brave and face my fears head-on.
  14. I have the courage to do things that scare me.
  15. Fear does not define me; I define my reality.
  16. I trust the process of life and let go of fear.
  17. I am fearless in the pursuit of my goals.
  18. I acknowledge my fears but choose not to be controlled by them.
  19. I choose growth over fear every time.
  20. I am empowered by the challenges that fear presents.
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